Bonayich Educational Services, Ltd., was established in 2004 by Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Hayman. The goal of the agency is to assist in the spreading of Torah, and love of Torah, among Am Yisrael, with a concentration on Torah Sheb’al Peh. At Bonayich, we believe that success in learning helps the motivation in learning to take root and grow, and success in learning is dependent on the ability of the learner to learn on his/her own over the long run of study. Until the founding of Bonayich, however, there were no orderly materials for skills acquisition for study of Mishnah and Talmud, and young and old experienced great frustration and disappointment when trying to achieve the depths of Rabbinic teachings.
To resolve this vexing problem, Bonayich scholars collected hundreds of sources from the writings of the Rishonim and Acharonim about skills for Mishnah and Gemara. These sources became the basis of the now-famous “Bonayich Program” for study of Torah Sheb’al Peh in four phases – Mishnah, Torat HaTannaim, Torat Ha’Amoraim, and Shakla V’Tarya.
Bonayich Educational Services has now produced hundreds of booklets, aids and resources in both printed and digital formats for study of Torah Sheb’al Peh, and is recognized as the world leader in this field.
Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Hayman
founder and CEO
Rabbi Hayman devotes most of his time to Bonayich’s many clients around the world, to training of teachers, and to the development of new materials.
Rabbi Shalom Hayman
COO of Bonayich, and research and development officer.
Rabbi Ezra Hayman
Bonayich’s expert in the fields of Aggadah and Jewish Thought, developing teaching and learning materials in this area.
Chaim Hayman
Bonayich’s expert in the Tannaitic and Amoraic biography, developing teaching and learning materials in this area.
Shula Granik
office manager
Sharon Rosner
teacher trainer and guide
Bonayich teacher trainer and guide, and didactic writer for V’Shinantam and other projects.