The Bonayich “Index of Rabbinic Sages” is the most up to date and scientific data base of Tannaim and Amoraim. The data includes identification of every personality mentioned in Rabbinic literature, with all spelling variations of their names, identification of their generation and place of activity, their family and scholarly relationships with other personalities, and all scholarly research written about each figure. The data is presented in a powerful search engine environment enabling sorting and arranging of the personalities as needed.
Acquaintance with the Tannaim and Amoraim brings us closer to their world, increases our appreciation for the lives and work, and opens up to us the treasures of their wisdom as presented in the Mishnah, Talmud and other sources. Study of Rabbinic dicta in context of their lives and times is enriching and satisfying.
This product is sold as a data base, with an accompanying summary booklet. Younger students can benefit from this knowledge in Bonayich’s unique Tannaim and Amoraim Learning Centers, developed by Chaim Hayman, and available in the Store on this site.
Do you want to buy it? Click here.